Fita Preta Winery | Portugal | Portland, Maine Commercial and Lifestyle Photographer

We visited the Fita Preta Winery on a sunny afternoon in Portugal. I was a little nervous to be wine tasting with a toddler in tow, but they were unfazed by this (honestly most of Portugal was unfazed when we told them we were bringing a child). We spent the afternoon sipping on wine, learning about their processes, getting a tour of their facility and walking among some ruins they have on their property. It was a lovely experience and we can’t wait to go back one day.

How being a mother has changed me | Portland, Maine | Commercial and Lifestyle Photographer

Being a mother is something I enjoy more each day. As I’m sure most people do I struggle with the balance. There are days where I feel I’m doing well as a mom but my creative juices are not being nurtured as a photographer and artist and there are days where I feel like I’m really pushing myself as an artist but barely holding it together as a mom. I enjoy this little being that I created SO much and cherish that I get to see his little personality shine through in new ways every day. I also take it very seriously. I am shaping a little person who will one day go out into the world. This has changed me so much as a person and an artist.

Commercial and Lifestyle Photographer Portland, Maine

Commercial and Lifestyle Photographer Portland, Maine

  1. I’m more confident. I trust my gut more now than I ever did. My purpose is so much more clear now and that has definitely helped with my direction and focus.

  2. I go with the flow harder than ever. I use to like to plan out what I was doing for the day, month, or year. It helped with my anxiety to know what was coming next. This is a little laughable when becoming a parent. I know have broad ideas of what is going to happen throughout the day, but if they don’t go as planned we just run with whatever is being thrown at us.

  3. I like the day-to-day. I use to love to focus on bigger things I was going to do and get excited for them, a big shoot, a trip to a new country, and drinks with a friend. I know find peace in the day-to-day monotony. It is also probably my anxiety speaking to that a little, but the day-to-day is really when the magic happens. The bambino memorizes a new song that we can sing together to, he has a new understanding that I get to witness or his own confidence grows just a little that makes a mama both proud and a little sad because I know I’m doing my job to prepare him for the world, but that he will not need me one day.

Long story long, I’m a VERY different person than I was when it was just me and my husband. While there are days that seem long and hard, there are days that seem too short and are filled with beautiful moments that I wish I could bottle them up and keep them forever. I’d never change this for anything.

Commercial Photographer Portland, Maine

My Mother’s Day prints are still available and I can work with you to make sure there are there to make the mama in your life feel special.