What’s your business name and what do you do?
My business name is The Magic Sprout and I am a gardener with a focus on permaculture design and sustainable farming solutions!
How did you learn your craft?
I grew up working in the gardens with my grandmothers, aunt, and mom so I learned a lot through them! My formal education is in business and marketing but I decided to make a career switch in 2022 and make my hobby my work. Since then I’ve learned through online courses, trial and error, and some amazing mentors!
What do you enjoy most about what you do?
I love watching people enjoy the gardens and planters I create! My goal has always been to use plants as a way to create a softer, more beautiful environment for people to gather or relax in.
What do you enjoy least?
Mhmmm that’s a great question…. I certainly had to think about this a bit… I think a lot of people assume that the gardening/ landscape industry is sustainable simply because we work with plants but there are a lot of really unsustainable practices that have been super hard to break through and change. A big mission for my business is to show people how to do things differently and with a more ecological mindset, so taking the time to discover better solutions and change practices takes time and resources which can be really challenging at times.
What’s one thing you wish people knew about your work?
Working with and designing using living things is interesting because there is never really a “final product”… plants are always growing and gardens evolve over time which is a beautiful concept. So when I do things I’m always thinking about what it will be like in a year or two. This also means I really start to form a relationship with each individual garden or landscape because they all have their own quirks and variables!
What’s one artist you look up to?
I don’t think I have one specifically because I tend to really appreciate the variety of art! I get excited when I see people creating super authentically because I can feel their passion through their work and it really inspires me!
What do you do when you’re not with plants?
Likely you can catch me on a hike or kayak paddle with my dog, Milo! We love to camp in all four seasons and just submerge ourselves in nature however we can!
Night owl or early bird?
Interestingly enough, I’m a night owl in the summer and an early bird in the winter! So strange but that’s just the pattern I’ve fallen into!