Happy Friday! Here are a few things from this week.
What I’m listening to: The new Sunset Rubdown and if you’re in NYC/Philly they will be there soon and you should absolutely go see them live. I got to see them on my birthday here in Portland and it was a fantastic show!
What I’m watching: There is so much to watch right now! New Ted Lasson is at the top of my list.
What I’m buying: I’ve been wanting some new rings lately and I bought this ring sizer to help me with my online shopping habit.
What I’m reading: I just finished Daisy Jones and The Six. I know I’m late to the game, but it was a really good read. Perfect for vacation and now I’m ready to watch the show!
What I’m cooking: Anything citrus right now. This Orange Snack Cake was on heavy rotation last year.